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Ohio Angus Preview Show

2024 Ohio Preview Show Results

Washington Courthouse, OH

Show Dates: April 13-14, 2024

Judge: Chance Young, Springville, TN

Total Number Shown: 23 Females | 4 Bulls | 2 Steers

OJAA Advisors

Lindsey Hall

Hillsboro, OH


Kelly Kidwell

Walhounding, OH


Check out our Early Summer Newsletter For Show Results!

Stay tuned for more information for the 2025 Preview Show!



8:00 AM               Cattle begin arriving at Fairgrounds

6:00 - 7:00 PM     Begin Check-In


8:30 AM               Resume Check-In

9:00 AM               All cattle must be in place

9:30 AM               End Check-In

10:00 AM             Eastern Ohio Junior District Show

                            30 minute break after EOAA District

                            Show ends

                            Ohio Junior Angus Preview Show

                                - Bred & Owned Bulls

                                - Bred & Owned Heifers

                                - Cow Calf Pairs

                                - Owned Heifers

                                - Angus Steers

                                - Showmanship

6:30 PM.              Dinner at the Fairgrounds


9:00 AM               Ohio Angus Open Preview Show

                                - Females

                                - Cow/Calf Pairs

                                - Bulls



  • Show Supplies will be available

  • Stall assignments will be shared upon arrival

  • Bedding fee required on all entries for in barn stalls

  • Tie outs will be to trailers. No tie out betting provided. Straw only.

  • Camping Available for $50/night & should be paid with entry fees

Sponsorship Opportunties

  • Business card ad in the Preview Show Program

  • Listing in the Ohio Angus Newsletter

  • Listing in the Ohio Angus Directory

  • Show day announcements about your farm/business

  • Award banner sponsors also available

Deadline to submit sponsorship information is March 15.

I want to be a member of the Ohio Junior Angus Association!

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